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Mike Rose

Mike Rose

Current Employment

Head of Security


Mike Rose is a highly-educated, assertive, entrepreneurial, mature, confident, innovative, and consummate professional with a proven track record of upper management and senior leadership experience. Mike has a goal-oriented and driven work ethic, possessing proven abilities to interact with general staff and board-level personnel to reach targeted objectives. Mike has acquired over 28 years of experience in both federal and private sector industries, in sensitive, intelligence-based operations, high-risk project planning, international threat/risk assessments, physical security planning, team building, curriculum development, and forces training.

As Director of Security for Ryerson & Associates, P.C., Mike ensures the security functions of the Firm add value to its clients and business operations, and administers and maintains policies to ensure the physical and digital safety of all the property and assets of the Firm and its clients on a global basis. Mike also facilitates and performs bilateral, interagency communication with federal and local law enforcement on Firm matters requiring added security or due diligence.

Mike also functions as Chief Executive Officer of Strategic Operations Advisors International, LLC., which offers private military and intelligence/counter-intelligence operations, risk management-mitigation, high-value personnel protection, and asset recovery.

Mike’s educational background involves serving in the U.S. Army Special Operations, Ranger Regiment, USAOC, as well as higher education training in Business Management, Project Management, Business Psychology, and International Business (concentrating in Corporate Portfolio Management), at Tufts University, University of Phoenix, and Thurgood Marshall School of Law.