Experienced Bilingual, Bicultural Lawyers With A Global Network To Help People From Around The World

Houston-Based Corporate Ethics And International Compliance Lawyers

At Ryerson & Associates, P.C. Attorneys and Counselors, our corporate lawyers assist international and U.S. based clients from our office in Houston. Our goal is to provide legal guidance so that corporations can conduct international business effectively and efficiently, with integrity and excellence.

Our Corporate Ethics And Compliance Legal Practice

The primary focus of our corporate ethics and compliance practice is to prevent, detect and resolve issues of business misconduct or noncompliance. This includes:

  • Documenting policies and guidelines
  • Training seminars and workshops
  • Preparation of ethics and compliance manual
  • Ongoing consulting work

We also help our clients in the U.S. and abroad with their internal investigations to detect violations of internal policies, laws and regulations.

By counseling our clients to establish a good business practice, which includes a corporate culture of integrity, our clients are able to increase profits as well as enhance their reputations at home and abroad. A strong and effective compliance program can save a corporation the expense of fines, penalties, and potential criminal investigations against the company’s executives. Our international lawyers are well-versed in compliance and tax laws across multiple jurisdictions and cross-intersecting practice areas.

Consult An Ethics And Compliance Lawyer Today

Our Houston-based international lawyers are available for initial consultation appointments. To schedule an appointment with an ethics and compliance attorney who has extensive international and cross-cultural experience, contact our office by calling 888-745-4664 or sending an inquiry through our website.